Different Types of Shingle Roofing

If you have been considering updating your residential roofing or if your roof is in need of repair or replacement, you may be wondering what your options are for shingles. There are a handful of different kinds of shingle roofing that are available, and there are pros and cons of each material. Let’s take a closer look at these options and see how Robinhood Roofing can help with any of your residential roofing needs.


Asphalt shingles are perhaps the most popular kind of residential roofing material. These shingles combine asphalt and fiberglass, wood, or cellulose, resulting in a fairly durable and extremely lightweight material. Asphalt shingles tend to be affordable, on the lower end of the price range for roofing materials, and offer a variety of aesthetic options such as different thicknesses and colors.


Wood shingles are significantly less popular in areas that experience natural disasters such as wildfires or extensive precipitation. These shingles can be quite durable in the right conditions, however, sometimes lasting up to 25 years. They are more eco-conscious and tend to be aesthetically pleasing, adding value and curb appeal to your home.


Metal shingles are extremely long-lasting (up to 50-75 years!) and are exceptionally lightweight. This roofing material can be durable and is very energy-efficient as it reflects sunlight. It is a bit more of an investment than some other shingle types, and it can be noisy during rain showers, however, its resilience in various weather conditions and the bonus of lowering cooling costs typically drown out the minor nuisance of hearing raindrops.


Slate shingles come with many perks for homeowners, as they are the longest-lasting (up to 100 years) and have a very low risk for leaks. However, this comes at a cost…the highest cost out of all the various kinds of shingles, that is! In addition to a steep price, slate shingles are also quite heavy, which means that they may not be suitable for all houses, as the roofing structure may not be able to support the weight.

Clay / Concrete

In areas that experience extreme heat, clay or concrete shingles tend to be a popular choice. This is due to the fact that this roofing material is noncombustible, in addition to being non-fading and reflective of the sun, which helps regulate interior temperatures and lowers heating and cooling costs. This material can be an initial investment, however, repairs and replacements tend to be fairly affordable and easy.


Composite shingles are relatively new in the residential roofing material market. These shingles are unique in the way that they can mimic the appearance of other roofing materials. This is a plus for homeowners who want the aesthetic of some heavier or less-durable options, but their home isn’t suited for them. Instead, these homeowners can get composite shingles, enjoying the look they desire, without the drawbacks. This does come at a price, as composite shingles can be expensive, however.

Shingle Roofing with Robinhood Roofing

If you are building a new home or simply looking to re-roof your current one, you may be interested in checking out all your available shingle roofing materials. Still have questions? Need other roof maintenance services? Been searching for “residential roofing near me?” Robinhood Roofing can help. Give our team of experts a call today!


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