Pros & Cons of Shingle Roofs

As a homeowner, you are probably already familiar with shingle roofing, at least to an extent, as it is typically what is thought of when it comes to residential roofing. While there are other options that exist for residential roofing, shingle roofs are consistently the most common choice, and for good reason. There are many perks to utilizing shingles on your home’s roof. Let’s dive right in and take a look at some of the pros and cons, and how Robinhood Roofing can help with all your residential roofing needs!

All About Asphalt Shingle Roofing

When it comes to shingle roofs, you may not realize that there are actually multiple kinds. From wood to metal to fiberglass and more, the options can be quite overwhelming. The most utilized type of shingle roofing, however, is asphalt shingles.

Pros of Asphalt Shingle Roofs

As we have mentioned, there are multiple positives to choosing asphalt shingles for your home. Let’s take a look at some of them!


Asphalt shingles are the most common choice for residential roofing. This is a positive, because there is a large market for them, and many advances have been made with them to further improve their quality and functionality. This directly benefits you as a homeowner!


Because they are so common, they also tend to be the most cost-efficient option for residential roofing. Being a homeowner can drain your bank account pretty quickly when repairs are needed, so saving money wherever you can is a welcome benefit.


While they may not appear to be the sturdiest, they actually have a fairly long lifespan. This is especially true if you keep up with regular maintenance and repairs.

Easy Installation & Maintenance

Speaking of maintenance and repairs, asphalt shingles tend to be fairly easy to care for. Low maintenance is always a perk when it comes to any home necessities! When it does come time to repair or replace, these can often be done with relative ease as well.


Asphalt shingles can actually assist with lowering your utility bills and energy usage as well. Over the years, they have been made increasingly more energy-efficient, reducing the amount of heat that is absorbed by your roof. In some cases, you may even qualify for rebates due to energy efficiency!


Last but not least, asphalt shingles come in many different varieties and can be customized to fit the aesthetic of your home. Want to keep it simple with black or brown? You can do that. Want to spice it up with a different color or multiple colors to create a pattern? You can do that too.

Cons of Asphalt Shingle Roofs

There are certainly many pros to choosing asphalt shingles for your residential roofing project. As with everything, however, there are a couple of cons too. Let’s take a look.

Less Durable

In comparison to some other roofing materials, asphalt shingles may be slightly less durable. This is especially true in extreme climates or if regular maintenance is not performed.

No Flat Roofs

While asphalt shingles work for the majority of residential roofs, they are not suitable for flat roofs. If your home has a flat roof, you will need to explore other roofing material options.

Residential Shingle Roof Services with Robinhood Roofing

Have more questions about the pros and cons of asphalt shingles? Searching for “roofing services near me?” Get in touch with the team at Robinhood Roofing. We are ready and able to help you with all of your shingle replacement, shingle repair, or other residential roofing needs!


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