When Is The Best Time To Replace Your Roof?

Is your residential roof missing shingles? Growing plant life on top? Looking a little more shabby than chic? Maybe it’s coming close to the end of its 20 year life span. All of these are signs that it’s time to possibly look into replacing your roof.

Now, even though these aren’t emergent situations (yet) you still want to plan accordingly and be prepared for when it happens.

You’ll need to save time, and possibly plan for your family to be away from home for a few days, get it done when you need it, and not wait a moment longer.

Annual or semi-annual roofing inspections can help you keep an eye on the possibility of an upcoming roof replacement, but if you haven’t had one yet, and still believe that a replacement is in your future, here are a few examples of the best time to replace your roof.

When To Schedule Your Roof Replacement

As we said above, it’s best to plan accordingly when you want to have your roof replaced. This isn’t a last-minute decision that you choose to have completed by the next weekend (unless emergent).

Once you start to notice the signs that your roof has seen better days, call a professional roofing company (like us) to get a roof inspection and plan your replacement based on the timeline of urgency that they give you.

If it is not urgent, but needed, plan for 6-12 months out and SCHEDULE the replacement. This will give you time to save money based on what estimate and time to plan the best dates that work for you and your family.

Here are some of the best times of the year to schedule the roof replacement.

Late Spring Or Beginning Of Summer

Roofers in Ohio know that our weather can be unpredictable, but typically late spring into early summer is marked as the best time to replace your roof. The spring rains are done and it’s warm enough for the shingles to adhere properly. It needs to be above 45/50 degrees for the shingles to adhere and cure as they should.

Late Summer Or Early Fall

Another time that is considered the best time to replace your roof is during late summer or early fall. This might be the busiest time of year for roof replacements because everyone is home, finished with their vacations and preparing for winter. If you choose this season to get your roof replaced it’s best to call as soon as possible to get on the schedule.

You don’t want to wait a few months prior and then get on a waiting list or told they are fully booked. You want to keep your family safe during the cold winter months and a less than perfect roof won’t help.

Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late - Schedule Your Roof Replacement Today!

Don’t wait until it’s urgent to get your roof replaced; schedule your roof replacement when it’s best for you and your family.

Here at Robinhood Roofing we are dedicated to providing you with a safe and structurally sound roof to protect you, your family and your possessions. Choose the right roofer and work with us to complete your replacement.

Call us today to learn more and schedule an estimate!


4 Benefits Of Having A Professional Roof Inspection


Looking For Roofers in Parma Heights, OH? See Robinhood Roofing